Crying over the loss of your career...

She just gazed at them motionlessly and said, "Only if you didn't try to put on the last act, then I might save you guys from making your life a disaster."

Kiara just looked at her with tearful eyes which Elysia ignored again.

Now her eyes fell on her so called ex-boyfriend who had his head bowed down in defeat.

Walking towards him slowly with her intimidated aura, Elysia taunted, "What did you think of me? That I am a fool?

Tsk… tsk.. Now see yourself, who is the biggest fool here now? You wanted to sabotage me but here I'm standing proudly with my head held high whereas you are crying over the loss of your career now."

Pausing for a while, she gave both Liam and Kiara one last glare and said in a dangerously threatened tone, "Listen to me carefully, you both...

I'm not some weakling to get easily trapped in your dirty plans. Actually I'm no less than a devil whom you need to fear of...

This is a warning to you both. Don't ever try to play with me. I'm far more dangerous than you guys could ever imagine."

Cold sweats ran down through their spines when they heard Elysia's threat and tears just continued to fall freely from their eyes.

Elysia didn't get bothered with them anymore and left from there.

Caitlin, Riva and Abigail too gave them a glare full of disgust and followed Elysia outside...


Almost an hour later…

"Bye Ely.. I'll meet you tomorrow then." Abigail said getting down from the car.

Elysia waved at her and replied smilingly, "Sure... We're going to have fun tomorrow."

As the door of the car closed, Elysia sighed and rested her head on the window pane.

"Can you please drop me at my parents' place?" Elysia asked the driver.

The driver said a small 'yes' and took a U-turn to drive towards the Davies Mansion.

Elysia closed her eyes as she thought about the whole day's incident.

It was quite hectic for her as she had to handle so many things together. Her mind wandered towards the only person who had helped her in this difficult state of hers.

Though they had few problems between each other, but still Ivan chose to believe her though all the proofs were against her from the start.

She mentally reminded herself to thank Ivan the next morning for his help and support!

As she was drowned in her own thoughts, the driver stopped the car and said, "Ma'am… We've reached."

Elysia looked outside of the window and found out that they had truly arrived at her parents' home.

"Thank you." Elysia said to the driver with a soft smile before stepping out of the car.


Living room…

Elysia had already called their housekeeper to keep open the main door she wanted to give surprise to her parents.

She knew that her parents might be awake till now as they never missed any award function or reality show where Elysia would be present.

Tiptoeing, Elysia entered the living room and found her parents deeply engrossed in their own talks.

Smiling mischievously, Elysia very slowly and silently walked behind them without making any kind of noise.

When she got assured that her parents had not noticed her yet, her smile grew bigger...

With a naughty glint in her eyes, Elysia shouted in their ears, making the middle aged couple almost shout in fear.

"Ahhhh!!" Laura shouted loudly whereas Aaron just sat there stupefied without knowing how to calm his scared wife down when he himself was shocked to the core with his daughter's little mischiefs which had always brightened his mood.

Rubbing his wife's back, he comforted her and gave Laura some water to help her in breathing properly.

"Ely darling… You scared the hell out of me this time." Laura said with her right hand still kept on the left side of her chest as she rubbed the place where her heart resided soothingly.