Don't scold Ivi...

Before Elysia could complete, George cut her off in the middle as he almost shouted in top of anger, "What? Ivan pushed you?

If he really did something horrible like this, then he deserves some big punishment. Let me call him.."



George started to call his son's name loudly and soon a round head of a boy gave a peek from the back of the door of the living room..

Thus little action didn't go unnoticed by the elders as their eyes were now focused on the door.

"Ivan.. come here. Right. Now." George said in a cold voice.

Ivan got scared with his father's tone as he have never seen George being so angry.

He had never faced his father's cold yet furious side before. It was all new to him.

As be saw the warning eyes of his father, a nine years old Ivan walked inside with his head bowed down.

Standing in front of his parents, he looked at little Elysia who was now sniffling into her father's embrace.

"Ivan what is this son? Whatever I've heard just now.. is that right?" George asked but strictly but his voice was not cold like before.

Ava squatted down on the floor and hold little Ivan's shoulders before scolding him a little, "Ivan.. It's not right to push Elysia down so harshly. What if she would get hurt more."

Ivan didn't say anything but just kept looking at Elysia worriedly, trying to assure that she was completely fine.

Laura who was now standing beside her husband interrupted the Moore couple, "Don't scold him like that. He must haven't intentionally done it. It was just a mistake."

"No Laura. If we don't teach him the right things now then he would turn into a spoiled brat in future." Ava dejected.

"Ivan… Tell the truth otherwise…"

Before George could say something more, they heard Elysia's loud cry again.

"What happened princess? Is it hurting?" Aaron asked inspecting her wounds.

Elysia vigorously shook her head and wiggled in his father's embrace but Aaron tightened his hold around her.

"I want to get down Daddy.." Elysia saud to her father.

Not understanding what his daughter was going to do, Aaron put her down on the ground.

Getting the best chance, Elysia immediately ran towards Ivan who was standing there with worrisome eyes for her.

Elysia stopped right in front of Ivan facing George as she tried to guard Ivan with her tiny body.

Looking at George with her puppy eyes, Elysia pleaded with her soft voice, "Don't scold Ivi, please."

"But Ely, wasn't he the one who pushed you?" George asked tenderly.

Elysia again shook her head and said, "No uncle. It was another boy who pushed me and Ivi was the one who saved me. He even beat that bad boy for him."

Everyone was surprised to hear that while Ivan just looked at Elysia with a grateful smile..

"Is this the truth Natasha?" Ava asked her daughter.

"Yes Mom. Before we could say something you and dad started scolding Ivan." Natasha clarified all the doubts.

Aaron smiled and patted his head, "Thank you my child to protect my princess."

Ivan gave him a toothy grin and said proudly while thumping his chest with his hand, "Don't worry uncle, I'll always protect Sia from every bad guys."

Everyone smiled at his sweet promise while the Moore couple apologized to Ivan for scolding him unnecessarily who just shrugged it away with a smile.


Back to the present..

The elders shared a look of understanding with each other and sighed.

Aaron was the first one to speak out, "Uhmm… Kids.. We've something important to announce."

The young people stared at the elders confusedly who was looking hell nervous to them.

"What is it dad?" Natasha asked in curiosity.

George glanced at his friend and wife for one more time and after getting their approval he declared in one breath, "We want Ivan and Elysia to get married with each other."