Itching earthquake...

Keeping his phone away, he drove towards her and without his knowledge, the next words came out of his mouth shocking himself, "Do you need a ride?"

The voice wasn't unknown to Elysia. Even if she ever had to suffer through any kind of memory loss or amnesia, she would still be able to acknowledge the voice of the person in a second.

Elysia turned around to notice her biggest enemy sitting in the driver seat with a smirk on his face.

She folded her hands under her chest and smiled fakely at him before saying, "No, Mr. Ivan Moore. I don't need a ride, especially from someone like you."

Ivan cocked one of his eyebrows and asked, "Someone like me? There's no other one like me as I'm the only one in the world, all handsome and intelligent."

Elysia snorted and answered back, "Huh? What did you just call yourself? Intelligent? Hahaha..

You're everything but intelligent, Mr. Moore. Even a donkey will feel ashamed of himself if I compare you to him."