Bipolar disorder...

However, his this single wish didn't get fulfilled when Elysia gave him a wide smile while her eyes were showing some mischiefs in them as she said, "Oh ho Ivan! Why should I hide something like this from my would be in-laws? After all, the first step to gain more favor is to always say the truth to them.."

"I would never prefer to tell lies to those persons who had treated me as their own daughter from the day I've born. They even love me more than you..

That's why, I don't fear to disclose about my plans to your parents who are my cutie pies also. Isn't it the truth, my dear uncle and aunt?" Elysia asked the last question looking at Ava and George.

Both of them burst into fits of laughter, hearing her kind of explanations while George said nodding his head, "Of course sweetie. You should always share everything to us like you do with your parents...