Make our marriage work...

Ivan had enough of her already so he couldn't help but whisper yell at her with his raging eyes, "Don't talk about her with your shitty mouth Elysia. I'm warning you. More importantly, the ring you are wearing now is not something I've designed for you in the past two weeks.."

Elysia who was becoming angry with his every single statement, suddenly got shocked when she heard the words that had been slipped out of his mouth intentionally.

She looked at him with confusion visible in her eyes and at last  when the words finally registered in her mind, her eyes suddenly turned blurry..

"You haven't made the ring for me? Was that… that a lie then? You made up all the things that you've said to me before putting it on my finger… right?" Elysia asked with her still burry eyes.

Ivan didn't say anything but just kept looking at her with a straight face which didn't scream any kind of expressions at all.