New journey of life...

Elysia gave a fake glare to him and retorted back with a prideful voice, "Well, that little girl has grown up into a beautiful married woman now. And she doesn't eat like that anymore because she had turned herself into an elegant lady who has the required poise and grace in herself."

Ivan chuckled at her comment and teased, "Well, for that.. We need to cut the cake to prove if you're still that clumsy Elysia or had grown up into a poised one as you are just claiming to be."

Elysia gave him a challenging look and held the plasma knife placed on the table just beside the cake.

Ivan grabbed Elysia's wrist from behind and both of them cut a small piece of cake. Ivan took the piece in his hand and brought it near Elysia's mouth.

Elysia's eyes sparkled seeing the yummy cake but when she remembered about the challenge, she returned back to her gracious self..