Try to heal her...

"The materials in the envelope can't be enough for you to understand everything in a snap of a second but it'll surely clear some of your doubts...

Just remember one thing Ivan, the documents here are just a small glimpse of the past, not the whole truth. Even if I want to reveal everything to you, I won't be able to because the person who have the right to tell you everything is only Elysia...

She is the one who will disclose the horrible phase of her life which she had kept hidden in her heart for these years. The past which was not only heart wrenching but also left a big scar in Elysia's heart. Just one suggestion, give her some time and trust her with all of your heart.

She had already suffered a lot and you can only be the medicine to her deep wound. Try to heal her son. You are the only one who can bring our old Elysia back to us."