Unwanted segment of their life...

Sighing deeply, she grabbed Caroline's hand in her hand and squeezed it a little bit to encourage her, "I am not a person who judges people easily. So you can trust me and shrug off those burden from your heart which you're carrying for a long time.."

Caroline could see the assurance and positivity in Elysia's eyes which she had not seen in anyone before her. It kind of giving her an encouragement to bear all the pain and reveal about her tragic past to her..

Inhaling a sharp breath, Caroline closed her eyes to steady herself and gained her strength back to disclose everything to Elysia whom she had known only for few weeks.

"I belonged to a very poor family where we can't even have food for three times a day. We even needed to think countless of times before spending every single penny on anything. But that was still okay for those who had a loving family which I've never got..