You're only suitable to warm my bed...

She became really frustrated with the lack of response from the receiver and banged the phone on her palm really hard.

"Damn it! Again she got saved from my clutches..!!! This girl really have an amazing fate that whenever I try to hurt her, everytime she got rescued by someone or somehow..!! But this time….this time the person who saved you was the one whom I least expected to help you…" The girl was talking to herself in anger but her self talk got interrupted by a phone call..

The moment her eyes captured the caller ID, she smiled brightly and picked the call up immediately.

"Finally you got the time the call me back? Do you even know from when I'm trying to call you? But you were not responding to my calls at all.

I got so much frustrated because of your lack of your response that I wanted to just kill someone by my bare hands so that I can satisfy my inner grudges.." The girl bombarded the other person with different kind of questions.