Soft cotton like cheeks...

"Fine then. Give me few minutes and mumma will bring your strawberry shake along with Uncle's coffee. You play with your toys till then." Caitlin said and was about to put him down on the floor when Nathan's voce made her pause in middle of her action.

"Let me hold him. I want to play with him too." Nathan approached her.

Caitlin's head snapped towards his direction immediately as she stared at him being completely perplexed after hearing Nathan. Actually she was more shocked than being puzzled at that moment.

Pondering for a while, Caitlin simply nodded her head and gave Jeremy to Nathan and went inside kitchen, giving a lady glance to both of them.

Nathan gently hold the little boy in his arms and made himself comfortable on the couch. He also made Jeremy sit on his lap, facing him and wrapped his arm around his small frame.