Don't loss energy on this vile woman...

"Do you think you will get forgiveness from any of us after doing such kind of horrendous crime? No way! So do a favor and don't make us more angry. Think it as your advantage. The less you will try to create trouble, the less amount of punishment you'll get. So think wusely." Nathan warned glaring at her furiously.

"Cute Uncle, where is my Mumma? You told me that you'll take me to her, but she isn't here also. Please uncle, take me to Mumma. I want to see her." A cute voice of a little girl fetch all of their attention's to her.

It was then only when they noticed Lily's presence there. She was standing beside Lucas holding his fingers tightly in her little palm.

Ivan was the first one to react as he walked towards her and took her small figure in his arms and said, "Lily darling.. You are here? I was about to tell Brian uncle to look for you but Lucas uncle has already brought you here. Now your Mumma will not get worried more."