Fault of our destiny...

Ivan thought to calm down her curiosity this time as he said, "Lily.. He didn't say anything because he was testing you, baby."

It was time for everyone present in the room to become completely confused at his words. Even after trying for a while, they still couldn't get what Ivan actually wanted to prove by this.

Noticing those big layers of confusion covering their face, Ivan sighed and then said with a bright smile, "Yes Lily.. Your dad was testing you. You know right that he had gone out of country for his work..

Though he was not here, still he was keeping tabs on you from your Mom. And do you know what your Mumma had told him?"

Lily shook her head from left to right as she asked with full of curiosity, "What did Mom told daddy about me?"

Ivan smiled seeing her curious face and said, "She told that Lily is a good girl. She always listens to her Mumma and studies properly. Hearing Mumma praising you, dad felt really proud of you...