Denizli, Turkey


Deniz agreed to my request to visit Pamukalle, I already knew a lot of city names in Turkey from the book Deniz gave me when I first arrived. Pamukkale is in the city of Denizli, our next destination. Listed as a world heritage site in the southeastern Aegean region of Turkey it has extraordinary natural wonders. From the pictures in the book, I can imagine what kind of place Pamukalle is.

With a feeling of impatience, I wanted to get there immediately. Pamukkale contains hot springs with a temperature of thirty-five degrees celsius and a Travertine-carbonate mineral that falls from the top of the mountains to the slopes creating exotic water made contours in its sides.

Pamukkale in Turkish means 'Cotton Palace' because everything is white, and is composed of white rocks which I fell in love with from the photos I studied in the book. Pamukkale is two hundred and forty-nine km from the city of Izmir. There are no flights from Izmir to Pamukkale, so we traveled in Deniz's family car, Emir also joined us, since he would take us to Cappadocia.

Deniz and I will return to Istanbul on a flight from Cappadocia. The journey from Izmir to Pamukkale was approximately three hours, I fell asleep on Deniz's shoulder during the trip, Deniz woke me up when we arrived at the signboard of Hierapolis. "Baby, we are here." Deniz touched my hand and shook it. I opened my heavy eyes, immediately lifted my body off Deniz's shoulders, and sat up straight. I sideways glanced at Deniz, he seemed to be watching me. I smoothed out my slightly messy hair, and put lip balm on my lips so they didn't get too dry. "You're beautiful, baby," whispered Deniz when he saw me wearing lip balm.

"Hey this is just lip balm for the dry weather, I don't mean to dress up," I said in protest. "Let us get off the bus." Deniz chuckled hearing me protest. I followed Deniz, our steps stopped at a large board containing a map and a description of Hierapolis.

"Hierapolis is the name of an ancient city in Pamukkale, ruins of an old Roman city in the second century BC. Hierapolis was developed into a spa for King Pergamon, Eumenes II because it has hot springs that were known for healing," said Deniz in fluent English.

I looked at every detail of the description of the ruins. "Why is it called the holy city?"

"Because in the city there are many religious temples which were also dwellings for ancient Jews and Christians." Deniz then took my hand and led us into the Hierapolis area.

Deniz Gazne is a typical man who is almost perfect, has a good job, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a handsome face, a calm and friendly manner although a little stubborn, loving and caring. Deniz has a sharp gaze full of wisdom that he inherited from his mother. The perfect mix for a man. I give a man like Deniz ninety.

Deniz is also very good at capturing my heart, he really knows that I like being invited to places that have historical value. I feel at home staring at a stone or ruins for a long time as long as it held historical value, Sometimes Deniz teased me by saying that I actually have mystical abilities to be able to communicate with stones and nature.

I could spend more than twenty minutes on every stone or statue I observed.

Hahaha... Or maybe Deniz is impatiently waiting for me.

We sat for a while in the hot pool area which is equipped with a food court, cafe, and souvenir shop near the Hierapolis Museum. Deniz bought me a bottle of my favorite fresh pomegranate juice, which really helped me feel refreshed after sleeping for three and a half hours.

Emir and Deniz enjoyed the coffee they ordered while telling each other stories in Turkish. Deniz held my hand tightly, keeping it wrapped up in our gloves, making sure they stayed warm. For Turks enjoying coffee or tea every day is a way of life and tradition. I remember in the book about rural Turkish villagers spending hours just smoking shisha, playing cards while sipping coffee.

I found out by his mother that a bride-to-be is often measured by her fiancé's family by how well she provides and serves her husband Turkish coffee. They also practiced predicting marriage through coffee. After the coffee was finished with the grounds left in the cup, the plate under the coffee would be turned over onto the plate, and rotated clockwise several times. The plate is then lifted and the psychic will read the prophecy through the sculpted form of coffee grounds on the plate.

Although most people do it for fun, there are also those who take the act seriously, especially seekers of good fortune or looking for potential partners.

After enjoying a bottle of juice and coffee we walked up the hill to the Hierapolis Theater which is shaped like a mini Colosseum. Memories of me and my family visiting the Colesseum in Rome with my parents. It was almost exactly the same, only different in terms of size. This theater was built in the 62nd century AD, and underwent reconstruction in 206 AD. Its on a hillside, ninety-one meters high, and able to accommodate fifteen thousand spectators. We can read the year and description of the signboard next to the Colosseum.

The design of this mini-theater is amazing, its shape looks like a funnel creating the best sound system, without the use of any technology to spread sound waves or cheers of crowds.

Humans have always been geniuses. Amazing!

Emir took lots of photos of me and Deniz with the background of Hierapolis, I was very happy while I was there. Deniz followed me where I went like a chick following its mother. Every now and then he hugged me and kissed my hair when I stopped to observe something.

The three of us walked down the road to Traventine after being satisfied being 'Dora the explorer' in Hierapolis.

Yep, That's right. Dora the Explorer!

We headed to the hot springs, which are terraced and white, and snow everywhere all year long.

So ... amazing!

Unfortunately, I'm not an active social media enthusiast, after all, who's my real friend? Who would want to become followers in the first place?

I saw many visitors soaking in the water of the hot springs. They believed that this pool is able to cure rheumatism, blood pressure, skin diseases, and other various ailments, because of its high mineral content.

Deniz held my hand tightly as we descended to the level of the heated pool, the footing very slippery. From the top of Travertine, we could see the lush green landscape below us, the snow-capped mountains at their peaks, and the cloud-filled skies merging beautifully, a sight that was simply mesmerizing. Many times I closed my eyes, looked, and looked at it again as if I was never bored of the same sight. I gave thanks and took a deep breath of fresh air while there. Deniz hugged me from behind, together enjoying the beauty of Pamukkale.

Exiting the Travertine door we walked to the restaurant nearby for lunch. After lunch, I felt very tired and wanted to get some rest until dinner. We planned to spend the night in town, and head for Cappadocia the next day.

Doga Thermal is a hotel in the Karahayit district, Pamukkale where we stayed for the night. Deniz booked two rooms, one for me and one for Deniz and Emir. I fell asleep after the spa and massage from the hotel facilities and woke up to the sound of the doorbell. It must be Deniz.

I hurriedly opened the door to the room and invited Deniz to come in. Deniz sat on the edge of the bed while pressing the TV remote looking for channels that were worth watching. I sat on the sofa under the TV, right in front of Deniz, eyes still half asleep. I watched Deniz's face silently, his sturdy symmetrical jaw, middle eastern sharp nose, neat thick eyebrows, thick lashes, combined with beautiful eyes that were drawn sharp like an eagle with a little beard and a thin mustache as a sweet accessory.

Deniz looked at the TV. "I know you are watching me again, I hope that the gaze is a look of admiration," he said, holding back a smile.

I chuckled and laughed at his words. A little embarrassed because I was caught admiring him. My face flushed red. "I'm just trying to give a score for my future husband whether he deserves to be nominated," I said carelessly while standing and passing it.

Deniz laughed while reaching for my hand. Deniz took my hand and made me sit beside him closely. "OK, my beautiful Mrs. Deniz. Where do you want us to have a honeymoon after the wedding?" He looked at me very closely, staring into my eyes.

Oh God, my heart is beating fast, I'm too close to him. Since the day Deniz proposed to me, I tried to build my faith, open my heart to him. We can't predict the future, but why should I waste this day and this good man sitting here next to me.

I brought my face closer to Deniz, we kissed each other. I feel both warmth and happiness.

Is this the right thing to do. Am I happy like this?
