Helsinki, Finland [1]

Valter and I were in a queue for checking in at Finn Air at Pulkovo airport, St. Petersburg, in less than an hour and a half we will be leaving the "MotherLand."

There was a bustling atmosphere at the International airport that is never empty of visitors, my eyes don't get bored looking at the beautiful interior of the Pulkovo airport.

I kept busy admiring the airport which is known as one of the most beautifully designed airports in the world, built by a London architect, Grimshaw, with a large flat roof that functions to withstand the weight of heavy snowfall. At the bottom of the roof is a series of folded surfaces that help distribute weight over different parts. In terms of aesthetics on the inside, there are golden metal panels that remind us of the church tower of St. Gold plated Petersburg. Along the folds of the panels, there are lamps to complement the lighting, appearing like prism shapes of various sizes, golden in color.

I glanced at the passengers passing by, my eyes glued to the figure of a man who stood about twenty meters from where I was standing, the man had just entered through the entrance and looked like he was looking for someone, I was trying to make sure that I wasn't nearsighted.


It's true that he was the same person, the same person when he met at the canal, in the grocery store, at the restaurant, also at the Commode Jazz Clubs who stole my picture the night I was drunk, the stalker was back and who he was looking for.

I gripped Valter's arm tightly, my temperature rose suddenly, I was afraid and anxious. I hid my face behind Valter's body. "Jade?" Said Valter.

"Let's get out of here immediately. And enter the immigration, I don't want to be here." I whispered softly while tugging at the hem of Valter's shirt with a tense face.

Valter immediately finished the check-in procedure, put the baggage in, and immediately took me away. I could only breathe a sigh of relief when I fell into the seats of the Finn Airplane that was going to take us to Helsinki, Finland. The rhythm of my heartbeat raced, my mind is busy asking a million questions, why?

"What happened Jade? I really don't understand. It's like you've just seen a demon." Valter said in a calm tone. "Yes, I just saw the ghost. I saw the person who has been hunting me. He was there, at the entrance to the airport, like he was busy looking for people. He must be looking for me." I said emotionally.

"Are you sure it's the same person?" Asked Valter. "I'm a thousand percent sure, I'm one hundred percent conscious, and I'm not drunk," I said with a confident tone. "Why didn't you tell me, I can ask the person directly," replied Valter.

"Not enough time for me to explain. We have to go before he finds me." I explained it again. Valter nodded in understanding, I watched as he tried to digest the information and evidence that I presented. "Calm down Jade, soon we will leave Russia. There's nothing to worry about," continued Valter.

St. Petersburg to Helsinki only took one hour and five minutes. The temperature in Helsinki feels slightly warmer than the temperature in St. Petersburg. We went straight to the apartment which is 15 km from Helsinki Vantaa airport. I threw myself on the sofa, staring at the ceiling of the apartment we live in. Valter just said goodbye to work. Various question marks are still lodged in my mind, I have not been able to forget the incident at Pulkovo airport, my mind is busy looking for the common thread of some impossible events just coincidence.

I was surprised to wake up with the sound of Valter's footsteps who had just returned from outside, I fell asleep on the sofa while Valter was gone. "You are still in the same place," said Valter. "Well, I fell asleep when you left." As he got up he opened the curtains in front of the sofa. "I'll bring you lunch," added Valter, who walked over to the dining table, put the plastic filled with food onto the table, and turned toward me on the sofa.

"How was your day? Smooth?"

"Everything is fine. I have time tomorrow to go on a walk with you," said Valter.

"Good news for me. By the way, I love this apartment, very clean, the interior is luxurious with spectacular views," I said. "I always stay in this place every time I work in Helsinki, the company gives me access to enjoy the facilities in this place," he explained.

"The choice of the white color, the materials used, room decoration, the placement of objects, and the lighting are very thick with Scandinavian nuances." He said. "You can take advantage of the sauna facilities on top of the building, with all the transparent glass, you can soak while looking at the Baltic sea. You will like it." Added Valter. "Wow, I'll try it later. Thank you Valter" I said cheerfully.

"fuft..." While glancing at me and raised an eyebrow. "opps ... sorry. I still use the word thank you." I said with a smile. "No, sorry. It's Ok." He continued.

Helsinki is the capital of Finland, which is also the center of business, finance, fashion, entertainment, media, and culture in Finland with a range of museums, galleries, and performance venues. The city is ranked first as the safest city in the world, with a crime rate of zero percent. People here live comfortably and happily, according to the World Happiness Record in 2017, Finland was ranked 5th in the world based on the level of happiness of its inhabitants. that piece of information I knew from Valter before setting foot in this city.

Market Square is not far from the apartment we stayed in, about ten minutes' walk. This market is quite popular with residents and tourists alike. There are many cafes, shops selling souvenirs, and orange-colored outlets selling vegetables, fruit, smoked fish, and salmon. Not far from Market Square, there is a port where the ferry will depart if you want to cross to the surrounding islands. I went out for a while to buy vegetables and fruit which I would use for dinner tonight while walking along with the fort, admiring the bays and the ships.

At first glance, Helsinki is not much different from St. Petersburg, an old building in gothic style, artistic and eccentric, with a neat and neat urban layout. "Excuse me, miss." A male voice from behind startled me. I turned around and laughed when I found Valter right behind me. "How did you find me?" I asked with a laugh.

"I can sniff you" replied Valter lightly.

"Ok, fine," I replied half sulking.

"Will you accompany me to the cafe? I want to have a beer," he added, hugging my shoulders.

"Okay," I replied affirmatively. I'm sipping hot chocolate at a cafe not far from Market Square, right in front of a cool Valter with a beer. Valter looked at me closely, just like me who was paying attention to Valter in detail. Who knows what he thinks, I don't care.

Together with Valter, I did not feel nervous, nor did I feel hot and cold shaking when I was stared at by him, everything just flowed, Valter who tended to be serious and shy, who never seduces me, never brings me flowers, it just makes me more comfortable and trusting. I didn't feel intimidated to accept his feelings either. Don't ask me what love means, because I can never find the words for it, I can only feel it.
