Mysterious Egypt

Egypt is special, a country steeped in mystery where a glorious history and a passionate present are intertwined. Many interesting things are tucked away in the country. A historical tourist spot worth a unique blend of Roman, Greek, and Pharaonic influences, showcasing the rich heritage of Alexandria.

"Valter, I feel a mysterious air in this place," I whispered into Valter's ear, as he descended the long spiral staircase to enter the burial area. This spiral staircase is circular, the center resembles a well where the bodies are lowered. Valter chuckled, holding my hand tight. "Maybe you think that cemeteries are always a part of horror movies."

"But there is always a mystery behind it," I said softly. We continue down the stairs, the tomb complex has three levels. However, standing water has made us inaccessible to the lowest level.

"Valter," I looked at him.

"What is wrong?"