Chapter 3

Then, fear turned into excitement. My eyes were gleaming. "Why do you protect this cruel, cruel man..." she spoke in a soothing voice. Then excitement turned into anger and I said to her, trying to keep calm, "He is not cruel, he is nice, he has been talking to me all night, and has been nothing but nice," her eyes slanted down to look sad, but her mouth was permanently smiling. Then she finally spoke, "I see... he may live... for now..." Then she left, but finally said, "Unnamed Child, can you come with me?" I took a slight glance at the security guard."Ok," I said. I went over to her, and she led me to a new room I've never seen, with animatronic suits I've never seen, like a monkey, a blue bird, and 2 cats, 1 orange one with a purple bow and 1 white with a pink bow both on an ear and tail. Then, she rose her arms and I felt a tugging feeling on me, and before I knew it, I was in the orange, fluffy cat suit. "Look in the mirror," the Marionette said. When I did, I was overjoyed that I was even cuter than I used to be. "I love it!" I exclaimed. "Can I show the security guard?!" I asked the Marionette. "Of course," she answered. I started running to the security room not noticing how heavy my footsteps are. "Security guard! It's me, Unn-"before I could finish, I was cut off by the Marionette. She said, "no, no, no, your new name must be Katie. Your spot is next to my box at the prize corner. You'll be answering people's questions and sing requested songs Freddy can't sing," I turned to look at the security guard and asked him, "Hey, security, what's your name?" He replied, "Presley," then a lovely chime went on and I knew that meant it was his time to leave. "Bye, Presley," I said. Then I went to my place and smoothened my fur.

Author's Note 4 Years Later: Ugh... I was such a furry. I mean nothing against furries, but ugh... I was such a furry...

Oh also, for the last 4 years I thought her name was spelled Katy, so now I'm making them separate beings. Katie the Cat of My Story, and Katy the Cat of whatever the heck I'm naming the reboot.

Also, storytime cause why not. It's short don't worry. So we got my small brain self making the series at the time and coming up with the character Presley. Presley is an OC like Katie who has no personality besides "love interest". Oh, by the way, their love never actually blooms, so it's basically just a whole set up for disappointment. Like my life.

So I make Presley and finish the story. I legit make a full-blown book cover on MS Paint and printed the whole thing out. I even stapled it all together and made it like this cool book (I still have the books, lol) and I brought it to school. I showed all my friends and noticed that I made Presley and Katie have some type of chemistry (I guess. I haven't reread this thing in a while). And little did I remember that there was this kid in my class named Presley. And everyone thought I had a crush on him. Like, girl, no. He looked like Justin Beiber and kicked over my friend's dirt castle like you think I like that beanstalk? Ha, no.

Oh also Presley if you're reading this I'm sorry for dissing, but you broke up with my homegirl and I hold grudges. Sorry, not sorry.

Lol, why do I sound so confident here? Like I sound like one of those hot-Cheeto-eating, nail-tapping, lip-smackin' ladies who don't take no for an answer. I'm not. Like seriously I cry because I'm too much of a wimp to ask for napkins.

I'm probably just in a weird insult flow because I've been trashing my younger self and her story non-stop today. I'll probably calm down tomorrow or even come to the point where I don't leave a note at the end of each chapter hating on Unnamed Child and her absolute need to be up in everyone's business.