Chapter 7

2 nights later of trying to defend Presley went by. I said my goodbyes to him, but I knew this wasn't the last I'd see him. So, I made a chip, and put it in his ear, as he was sleeping, so I could see him in his dreams after the next night. After the day had passed, I went to the room I found our bodies. I stored some of the bodies in me, and then got Hannah in with my idea. We had to leave some bodies behind, so we decided we'd leave Tosha, Toby, Frank, and JJ. Then, I went to the room I last saw Springtrap. I sat there, waiting. Waiting for him to show up so I can finally finish him off. A couple of hours went by. Then, I heard some boxes shuffle. I extended my nails, and went to the source of it. When I got closer, Springtrap rose. I got ready for this moment. I sharpened my nails, and my teeth. I jumped on him, and clawed his stomach. He kicked up his legs, making me fall off of him. I ran at him, and blocked his punch. I kicked his stomach, and made him topple over. I heard the cheering of the souls again. I put my foot on his stomach, and pulled off his foot. Then, I went for the other. I put them in one little pile. I stared at him until I heard one of the feet spark, then catch on fire. I waited until it got bigger. Then, I ran out, and closed the door shut. I knew I was gonna miss that room, which was my workroom. I blocked the door until it became hotter and eventually caught on fire. I saw it spreading closer, so I ran to the hallway. I ran until I reached Cassie's room. "Cassie! Run!" I exclaimed through the window. She immediately sat up and ran out of her room. "We have to warn the others!" I shouted trying to get my voice louder than the flames. We both ran through the hallway crying out, "Run! Get to a safe place from the flames!" When we got to a dead end of the hallway, Cassie was on her knees, crying. "Don't worry! I have a plan! We've been through this before! But, this time will be different," I told her. I saw the flames getting closer like waves filling the hallways. I held Hannah in my arms as we sat down. She did the same. When the flames finally touched us, I heard laughing. Little kids laughing. Then I heard a little girl say, "Thank you for freeing us!" Then I heard a little boy sing

I knew that was the souls of the six little children. I murmured right before the flames engulfed me, "You're welcome, children."

Author's Note 4 Years Later: Okay as much as I'm ridiculing myself for being such a bad writer, that fight scene was epic. Like wow. I could never.

Wait I did


I just don't like how Katie is the one that got all the praise for the good ending. Like everyone knows who the real heroes are.

I mean if Springtrap wasn't there, this wouldn't have happened and they wouldn't be free. I mean everyone knows he's the real hero here.

And an honorable mention, Presley's curse that makes literally every Fazbear building just go away after working for like a week. Can we get a round of applause for the curse?

Presley gets no clap claps though 'cause he's a loser