Chapter 4

"Wake up, Katie!" Cassie exclaimed in my ear. I woke up to the sounds of crying and kittens whimpering. "Baby?! BB?! Kittens?!" I exclaimed looking in every direction. Baby was being held by Nightmare Fredbear. And Nightmare Chica was beating my kittens. And my minions were trying to attack Plushtrap. I looked at the vision of Presley's, and he was about to be attacked by Nightmare Balloon Boy. I ran to Nightmare Fredbear, and kicked him in his legs. He toppled over, but before I could finish him off, he disappeared. "Cassie, take care of Chica," I said to Cassie as I passed by her. She nodded as I disappeared into the closet of Presley. I ran towards Presley in his hallway. Right when Nightmare Balloon Boy was going to attack him, I took him by the arm, and disappeared into the void. I looked at him angrily and said, "What has gotten into you? And where is CC?" He looked at me scared. "I didn't mean to, Miss Katie! And CC ran off after I got a big headache," he explained. I let out a big sigh and called, "CC! Here! Now!" I saw the little brown figure come to me fast. I felt a cold hug on my leg as I looked at it. It was my Circus Baby plush. I picked her up and placed her in my arms. As CC came, it went to BB. I looked around, and saw Cassie taking apart Nightmare Chica. I walked over to her and said, "Hey, I'm going to go to Presley's closet." She nodded, and I disappeared with my Circus Baby plush in my arms. "Where awe we?" she asked as we went into the closet. I changed my voice and said, "We're in Presley's closet, sweetie." She had a puzzled expression. "Hey Daisy!" Presley called over from his bed. I saw Circus Baby squeeze out of my arms, and run towards him. "Baby! Here, now!" I demanded. "Sowy," she said as she slowly walked towards the closet. "I wanna see Pwesley!" she complained. I heard him chuckle a little. I let out a big sigh and let go of her. I saw her scamper off to Presley. I chuckled a little. I wish I hadn't I kept on laughing. I had no choice but to leave Baby behind so I could protect her. I disappeared into the void, still laughing. "R-ha-u-ha-n!" I tried to say. I went to the place again. I looked around this time. It was just like the void, but it was a white light. It started to fade fast. I woke up with everyone gone. I saw little dots in the background. I sighed of relief, and looked at the screen. I saw Baby crying on Presley's lap. I disappeared, and called to Baby. She scampered to me. "I thought you wah gone forevwer!" she exclaimed through tears. I looked at her sweetly. "I wouldn't leave you. I just have something I need to protect you from. That's all," I explained. She started to hug my arm. It started to get brighter by the Sun in Presley's room. "Bye, Presley!" I said. I disappeared into the void again. I waited 'till Presley was going to work. Then, I disappeared into his closet again with Baby. "Where ah we gowing?" she asked. "We're going to see the other animatronics," I told her. I looked around his room. No sign of him. I walked over to his door, and opened it. The bright sunshine hurt both of our eyes. I saw that we lived in a small part of a city. I tried to find an alleyway we could go in. I saw some. I went to try to find Fazbear's Fright. I wandered a little for a couple of hours, until I finally found a burnt down building. I looked at it in terror. I walked through it a little. I only found some fake white and orange fur. "They must have sold us," I muttered to myself. "Hey! You there! What are you doing?" I heard a man's voice call. I looked behind me to see a police officer. He looked at me in horror. "No! Don't be scared! I'm just trying to find someone!" I tried to calm him, but he already ran off. I let out a big sigh, and sat down on a piece of rock. After a couple of minutes, I heard police sirens. It was coming this way. "Mama! What happening?" I heard Baby yell over the loud noise of the sirens. The police cars came, and stopped at the rubble. "Hands up! This is a restricted area!" one police officer said. I did as he said, but Baby just crossed her arms and turned her head to the side. "Baby! Be respectful to the police officer!" I demanded. "But Mama... I don't wanna be told by a hooman!" she complained. I walked up to the police officer, and looked at Baby. "Please mind her officer. She thinks that even though she doesn't have flesh, she can do whatever she wants," I pardoned. I looked in his eyes. They were covered with fear. "Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you officer, but I'm just trying to find... I-it's not important," I told him. "What do you mean by that? Are you talking about a federal weapon, or any illegal weapon?" he asked. "If you really want to know, I'm looking for my old form. I lit this place on fire a couple of nights ago. I just needed to know if it was sold," I explained. "You caused the fire? Well, I'm going to have to arrest you mam," he said. "No I'm not. You know you can't catch me! I can do whatever I want," I retorted. "But what about me?" Baby complained. "Sorry, Honey, but you don't have powers like me," I told her. I heard a clicking sound after I said that. I looked down at my hand, and they had handcuffs on them. "Honey, I need you to run. Far from here. I don't want you to get hurt after what I do. And if anything happens, find your way to Presley, and tell him what has happened. Now go," I told Baby. I let go of her, and she ran away. "Little girl! Come back!" one police officer called, but she was still running. When the police officer looked back at me, I started to laugh. I couldn't stop laughing, but I didn't want to stop. "Mam?" he asked over the sounds of me laughing. I blanked out after that. Everything faded after 10 seconds. When I woke up, I saw the police cars destroyed. I was holding Circus Baby by her dress. My eyes were filled with sorrow. "Baby! I'm so sorry! I didn't want you to see me as this!" I said while crying. I let go of her, and placed her on the rough road we were on. I looked around. I saw nothing but destruction. "Baby, let's go home," I said. She nodded and I picked her up and headed for Presley's house.

Author's Note: I'm just gonna post the rest and be done with this. This is literally the worst and most useless book in the whole series I hate it so much