Turning From Sexy To Princely

Now that Anastasia is seeing such a romantic setting - one that this smitten self-proclaimed lover of hers keeps making, she realizes that everything this person does for her is like something out of fiction.

This candlelit dinner, for one, seems like a scene straight out of a fairytale book. Everything about it is giving rise to a whirlwind of emotions that she wishes she can just repress.

But then again, just from seeing Zen's efforts alone, her heart can't help but warm up and slowly melt in a puddle of goo - no matter how much she didn't want to react this way, that is. He's just so caring and gentlemanly that he's starting to appear like a real prince charming in her eyes.

The way he escorts her reflects how much he's paying attention to the smallest things, including the pace of her walk, how he will hold her hand and guide her, and even when he pulls her chair for her to sit down on. All the while, his fond and endeared gaze never leaves whenever she's the one he's looking at.

Zen isn't playing around at all. He's serious about this.

"What's with that look on your face, Sia...?" he asked from the opposite side of the table, a mischievous simper spreading across his face.

"With that fascinated look on your face, you seem to be asking to be kissed right now."

"I-I-I w-wasn't...! I was just thinking, okay?!" she hastily exclaimed, blushing a little at how he kept eyeing her with that sultry expression.

Now, this definitely took Anastasia aback.

She knows that Zen has always been the smooth talker, but it seems like he's stepping up his game for once. It's as if he's shredding off another layer of his sheep's clothing - slowly unveiling how much of a wolf he can be with those daring and suggestive expressions of his.

"What are you thinking about, then?" Zen asked with a beam, amusement dancing in his grinning, half-lidded crimson orbs.

Of course, Anastasia wouldn't say it out loud.

She wouldn't say that he's actually the type who could switch from hot and sexy to gentle and princely like this. Just a second ago, he's shooting her a sly smirk, but now, he's smiling oh so dazzlingly.

Now, as his figure gets cloaked by the coruscant pool of moonlight, he appears very ethereal in her eyes.

"No, no...! You can't be falling for the outside! Yeah, he can be such an eye candy, but he's still shady and sketchy for crying out loud!" Anastasia bolted out in her head, mentally slapping herself.

With that, she just decided to continue her meal, ignoring his last question. She then drowns herself in drinking this peculiar beverage he prepared. It tastes flavorful, but even if it's odd, it still helps her get rid of her embarrassing thoughts somehow.

With that, Anastasia keeps drinking and drinking in an attempt to escape everything that can stir her to fall for Zen's charms - not really knowing that the beverage she's been swallowing down for a while now turned out to be a type of wine.