An Intervention

Anastasia thinks that Lucien doesn't deserve any of Lyssandre's browbeating even if they're family.

As she continues to hide behind the wall near the ongoing confrontation, she can see the blonde's once firm expression contorting into a pained one. It just happened that his father went on with his prejudiced remarks - underestimating him to the point that he appears despairing.

Never had Anastasia experience meeting a parent like Lyssandre. He's narrowing the path of his child's future by dictating it. Not only does he not acknowledge Lucien's intelligence and capabilities, but he's also chaining him up with his duties and responsibilities as his heir, which are the least that his son are wishing for.

"As I thought, letting you go to school is a big mistake..." Lyssandre hissed, his brows scrunched tightly together in vex.

"I'm pulling you out." 

And that pulled the last straw.