Meeting the Love Rival

It had been five eventful months since Anastasia met Lucien.

Despite people's protests and other hindrances, their friendship is going stronger than ever. They have developed a kind of bond that's formed from their genuine care for each other. It has its ups and downs, but no matter who or what they're facing against, they take up the challenge.

Going for sweets every after class dismissal, attending more science fairs in secret and running away from bodyguards - those are the villainies they kept on doing every now and then, though they had to stop ruining photoshoots since many people had been troubled over the first and last time they did it.   

Their misleading closeness is a lot harder on Anastasia, though. Every fan girl Lucien has at school is keeping tabs on her. She became the center of gossips for a few times now, but so far, that locker incident she experienced way back then was still the worst she got herself into.