Encountering Quite a Strangely Eventful Night

For what seems like a long while, Anastasia stays silent on her seat.

Lemuel patiently waits for her response, never breaking eye contact with her. She can see how true his confession is just by seeing the warm and earnest look in his half-lidded sapphire orbs alone. It's an expression she never saw on anyone before.

Everything about this moment makes her heart thump loudly in her chest. She can feel her blood crawling all the way up to her cheeks and making a blushing mess out of her. As much as she doesn't want to react this way, she just can't help it at all.

Then again, this is her first time receiving a love confession from a boy. 

"W-Way back before? Y-You... l-like me for that long?" Anastasia blurted out timidly, still finding it hard to believe.