Her Last Mission

Time and again, Anastasia finds herself having no choice but to move forward despite the agonizing chain of events that has just cascaded.

The whole night is filled with nothing but sufferings for her. As the sounds of sirens continue to blow off all around them and seas of fire proceed to devour buildings after buildings, her mental and emotional state are just as chaotic as the physical world.

Having her friends turn away from her, getting chased out by the people she wanted to help, seeing her parents already dead - everything is already too much for Anastasia.

Even then, she only moves forward. She has to at least accomplish something here - something that will go her way this time.

"Remember Sir Rupert, your bodyguard back then?" Anastasia chimed in again before the three of them headed out of the bakery.

"Sir Rupert...?" Lucien thought out loud before perking up in surprise.

"Oh, Sir Rupert. Yes, I do remember him."