His Ray of Hope

For the last time, Lucien took a step forward while looking up at the sky.

He was expecting to feel nothing but air beneath his feet. It would come instantly - a deadly drop that would finally lift all the heavy burdens weighing on his shoulders. At last, his sufferings would end.

However, none of that had happened. 

"Don't do that, Lucien..."

Out of nowhere, an all-too familiar voice flowed through his ears along with the strong gust of wind that suddenly gushed through and went past him. 

As if it was a pair of arms, the wind shoved Lucien back and off of the edge right before he could make his detrimental free fall. It was not just the wind, though. The spectral, saccharine voice that echoed in his ears had thrown him completely off guard.

Lucien was so taken aback that he lost his balance and had the wind carry him back instead.

"W-W-What the...?" he breathed out in flummox, feeling like he just lost his mind.