Their Agonizing Positions

Perhaps, Lyssandre is right - Zen is just like him. 

He would do anything to keep the one he loved. It doesn't matter how impossible it might be or what may be the cost. That's because, at this point, it's the only reason why he keeps on living.

Reviving a corpse and pursuing a second chance in life - it was a recurring scenario that both father and son had their fair share of.

Zen is aware that this is too inexplicable to be considered ordinary love. It's so strong that it's uncontrollable and somewhat dangerous to an extent. He has long given up on naming the feeling. Regardless of what this is, it always gives him a clear picture of what he should do. 

"Well, she really won't be able to get away in the first place. After all, there is the barrier..." Zen continued to murmur to himself, expression steely and grim.