Touch and Taste

It only took three days for Zen to recover from his fever, much to Anastasia and Rupert's relief.

Considering how high his temperature had gotten and the fact that he started feeling very nauseous as days went by, they were worried that his condition must be something more than a mere fever. For a while, he didn't have much appetite, but because she was the one who would always cook for him, he ate everything like he was supposed to do. 

They had also taken turns to look after him. Their efforts were awarded when he got back to his feet again after a few days. Still, they needed to watch out for his health since it seemed to be declining recently - the fever as proof that he had been overworking for too long.

"So, you're telling me that you're still working with your comrades even though you're this far from one another? How exactly?" Anastasia questioned as she walked beside him.