Set on Saving

Right before the two began making out, they heard something out of nowhere.

It was not only because it was so sudden that their attention was caught almost instantly, but it was also because of what kind of noise it could be. The sound was still too far for them to make out clearly, so they decided to head in that direction with caution.

As soon they got close enough that they could finally make out what it was all about, their eyes bulged wide in surprise and confusion.

"Is that... the sound of a crying infant?" Anastasia wondered out loud, tensing up at the thought that a small child was left there on their own.

"Someone must be with whoever they are. Stay here. I'll take a look," Zen told her as he started to tread the path in that direction but only to be stopped by his girlfriend.

"Wait, no! I'm going with you!"

"But, Sia... This can be a trap-"