Figure on the Prowl

Zen woke up sweatdropping in the middle of the night.

He bolted right up from the bed, nearly screaming at the same time. A painful lingering sting in his chest made him recoil and gasp for air as if he just ran a marathon.

He then fists the fabric of his shirt that is covering his chest, wrinkling it in the process. It has been a while since he last felt his heartbeat this fast. His vision eventually cleared up as he caught sight of the figure that was lying beside him.

After a few more sharp intakes of breath, Zen finally finds himself calming down. That is when he recalls what gets him jolting awake from his sleep. He keeps looking at the other side of the bed as he tries to remember everything.

Zen had a nightmare - disturbingly realistic enough to fill him with dread and trepidation.