Attack on the Hideout

Much earlier before Lucy approached the table of the four newcomers, Dennard had been in the middle of another conversation with her father.

For a moment, she allowed herself another glance at them. She almost dropped her washrag when she saw the dark-haired girl staring right at her. They held each other's eyes for the next seconds to come before she did something quite unexpected.

Anastasia smiles at Dennard.

It was a strange expression, but it was definitely not unsuited on her face. In fact, it made her appear suddenly much more beautiful. It accentuated her lovely features -

Like a ray of sun peering through the clouds.

Dennard nodded at Anastasia before looking back down at the bartop. She counted to fifty before furtively peering back. Right then, she saw that she had already resumed her conversation with her companions.

The sunlight had passed behind a cloud again.