Bringing in the Explosives

Gillard thought that this Dennard girl was brave - he would give her that.

Scrawny thing, and probably way too small for her age, but she held herself better than most adults. The glare she gave him was unnerving as well.

He looked away from her and resumed setting the triggers. Since he was in his early teens, he had been doing this sort of thing, and he could probably do it in his sleep.

Gillard had the suspicion someone was approaching. The fleeting expression of surprise on Dennard only confirmed it - for her part, though, she managed to school her features immediately, but she was not quick enough.

He figured it would be best to continue acting oblivious. Occasionally, she would look toward the interloper, but mostly, she kept them trained on him. He guessed the newcomer was about eight yards away now.

His hearing had always been sharp - a rare thing for one who blew things up as frequently as he did.