Proposal in the Meadows

Before everyone knew it, almost a month already passed.

There is only a couple of days left for them to reach their destination. And with that, Zen decided to make his arrangements for the thing he had been planning for a long time. Only Rupert knew about this since he didn't want the others making a huge fuss about it.

As he was the driver for the day, he did as they planned and pulled in a certain location.

"Here we are, Sia."

Standing in front of the door of a particular building, Anastasia watched Zen push the door opened. He held it open for her as she stepped inside. Despite the building looking old from the outside, it is quite grandiose inside.

There is a number of paintings hanging on the wall, giving the place liveliness and color. The floor is carpeted while there are several classical pieces of furniture around. It's a lavish setting overall - and would probably look even better had it not been for the apocalypse.