Chapter 25

Early this morning, Sally sent me a few pretty masks. I chose one that looked subdued yet elegant.

The mask was made of dark blue velvet. A few gemstones lined the edge. I wore a matching dark blue gown.

"Liana, you look beautiful," Aunt Briana praised after giving me a glance.

"Aunt Briana, you look stunning. I really like the color of your mask. And the feathers! So many different hues of red!"

"Thank you, dear. You should have told me you're interested in joining us earlier! Then I could ask the master that made my mask to make you one as well. Living in Zehan means paying a lot for masks. We are crazy for pretty masks."

"I knew Zehan has a famous Mask Festival, I am looking forward to it! I just did not realize even a Prince's birthday party is in the form of masquerade ball."

"Oh, our prince just loves excitement. A very energetic young man, the prince. Always loves a good party."

"I see. I am sure his birthday party must be spectacular then."

"Exactly. You'll see. What an energetic man, our prince. Let's get going, Liana. You don't want to miss the sight. The prince invited quite a few guests. Some said even that King Leonard's son was coming!"


The party certainly was spectacular. It was the most luxurious and opulent party I had the honor to attend. Pearls and diamonds were hanging on the trees, on the drapes. Flutes for champagnes were made from the best crystals, tiny diamonds adorned the surfaces. No wonder Sally said our parties were stiff and boring.

Arerin's royal balls on comparison were on a super tight budget. Sebastian might even freeze the bill and shoot ice darts at me if I even proposed hosting a ball like this. I chuckled at this thought.

Wait... what was I thinking?

Sally said she would come find me and told me to stand next to the sculpture of the prince. (She said there was always a sculpture of the prince in royal parties.) I glanced at the huge gold statue next to me. The statue was portraying a guy (who I assumed was the prince) holding a mirror and adoring his own face. What a weird prince.

I came to a conclusion at that instant. All princes were weird.

It seemed like the girl next to me came to the same conclusion as well. She took in the statue next to me and shivered. When she saw me, we gave each other a knowing nod. I was sure both of us were thinking the same thing -----'What a narcissistic prince.'

The girl was wearing a pale blue gown and a light mask with seashells and pearls as decoration, pearls entwined with her hair. She spotted me eyeing her. She gave me an awkward smile.

Seemed like both of us were not good at small talks. Maybe it's because of the fact we both looked at the statue in disgust, maybe because we're both waiting for someone. I tried to break this awkward moment.

"That's a really pretty mask. I like the sea theme."

"Thank you. Yours looks really elegant. Have you tried the desserts? They are fabulous!" Her eyes sparkled. For some reason her irises seemed to have a pearly texture.

"I haven't. Do you have any recommendation?"

As we became less awkward through desserts sharing (I believe that's how girls bond with each other), we started to discuss the masks those passing by us were wearing.

"Now that I think of it, I haven't seen the prince at all? Shouldn't he be standing on the dais down there greeting guests?"

I was a bit confused. That prince seemed to love to be the center of attention, so it's a bit weird the birthday boy was not on the dais receiving shower of praises. It's the start of his birthday party, the host should be receiving guests.

"Well maybe he is being enchanted by a mermaid." The girl in pale blue dress smirked.

It felt like she knew exactly what was happening.

"It seemed like the person you're waiting for came to pick you up." She smiled and pointed at someone.

I thought it was Sally, but the person she was pointing at was a guy. A tall guy in a dark blue coat and dark blue mask. No wonder she misunderstood. Our costumes matched.

I turned back and tried to tell her that's not the case. However, before I could say anything she gave me a smile and a wink, then she ran off like she was a sea spirit herself.

That guy who was wearing dark blue costumes stood next to me. Was he waiting for someone too?

I secretly sneaked a peek at him. He had icy blond hair and was quite tall. He looked like Sebastian. I sighed. Even though I escaped to a different country. I still had not forgotten him. I had to stop finding shadows of him in people I met.

First, Sebastian was the King of Arerin. Would he appear in the birthday party of a prince of a neighboring country he was not close with? Second, and most importantly, Sebastian was a workaholic, he had no interest in parties.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned and looked at that gentleman with ice blond hair. He gestured at his throat and tried to say something but nothing came out. He looked expectantly at me. His eyes looked like Sebastian's too.

I really had to stop.

"Do you have a sore throat?" I asked.

He nodded. He then gestured and asked for a dance.

I hesitated. I was waiting for Sally. But who knew where Sally had gone to? It's just social dancing. It would be weird if I turned him down without a legit reason. I agreed.

But why did he dance like Sebastian as well? That same precise movement. He had the same height as Sebastian too. One or two trait might be a coincidence. But everything?

I narrowed my eyes. Yes, it might be another person who had the same height, hair color, eye color as Sebastian. But he even had the same habit as Sebastian when he was dancing.

Suspicion built inside me. But who cared if he was Sebastian or not? We had decided to go our separate ways. I would just treat him as a stranger.

I retrieved my hand immediately after the dance ended, gave him a polite curtsy and walked away.

He caught my hand before I could walk away and placed a box in my hand. He gave me a nod and walked away briskly.

I opened the box and found a piece of jewel inside it. I had to return it. But no matter where I searched. I could not find him. He was gone.

If he was a random stranger, why did he do that?

If he was Sebastian... how should I react?