27 |Past Arina POV|

As Carlisle expected, the Duke really received the ambassador in his study. Luckily, my cage was placed just on the table of the study (as the Duke seemed to really like me a lot). I could glance at the proposed treaty and letter when the Duke read them. Ralph also made a visit, trying to ask his father to give him back his role in the government. He was turned down quite harshly. I thought I knew where Carlisle got his sharp tongue from. 

Lady Sabrina also wanted a meeting with the Duke. She got past the servant and guards at the door, but before she could open the door to the study, she was driven away by the Duke in anger. When the Duke was shouting at her across the door, he blocked his nose with his hand. I sniffed the air, that's when I found a tangy sweet scent. Maybe the Duke hated the fragrance Lady Sabrina used?

Lady Sabrina shouted back, "You'll regret what you said today. Do you think you can get out of my hold? Never!"

The Duke snorted. He then shifted his attention to me. He said with a sad smile, "Do you think she will ever forgive me?" He seemed lonely and sad. "Will Carlisle forgive me?"

I didn't know Lady Rosanne's answer, but I knew Master Carlisle's answer. Not ever going to happen. No matter the reason. Carlisle might seem to be all polite and respectful during the whole meeting, but his eyes looked hollow. He held no feelings for the Duke, his supposed father. Even if there were, only hatred and anger was left. 

The Duke simply gazed at me till late at night. Then he finally left the study. I had to get out of here. I unlocked the cage from my side and hopped out. The closed window was not a problem for me, I simply pushed open the window and then I flew out. 

I finally returned to Carlisle's courtyard when the sun raised. Surprisingly, I found Carlisle sitting in his backyard, hot tea on one side, a chess board on the other. 

I landed close to him and shifted back into human. 

"Master Carlisle." I nodded. 

"I thought you enjoyed staying as a pet bird with the Duke so much that you refused to return." 

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at his insult. "Of course not, Master Carlisle."

"Don't think I didn't see you trying to roll your eyes." He pushed a plate with some hot buns forward to me and indicated me to eat. "What did you find?"

When I saw the buns, my first thought was to peck at them. That's when I knew the repercussions were appearing. 

"Arina, look at me." My head was tilted up to look at him by his fingers under my chin. 

I nearly chirped in response. 

He then covered my eyes with his hand. And slowly I drifted to sleep. 

I woke up alone in the guest room of Carlisle's courtyard. After making myself presentable, I walked out of the room to find Carlisle still sitting in the same place as before. 

"Master Carlisle." I greeted him. I was kind of ashamed, I fell asleep in the middle of reporting my work. 

He scrutinized me for awhile and indicated me to sit. 

"The repercussion your power is retaining characteristics of your shape-shifted form?" 

I nodded in silence. 

"Find anything interesting?" Carlisle asked. 

I nodded and told him everything I found. I thought he would dismiss me after that. Instead he asked, "Do you know how to play chess?"


"I thought your ears are functional."

I suppressed another urge to roll my eyes and peck him on the head. "No, master." 

If I had that much time, I would spend that on practicing sword. Or maybe practicing how to pretend to be a bird. 

"Did you skip your class? Janus knew how to."

"Master Carlisle, I didn't!" I defended myself in outrage. 

He shrugged nonchalantly and said, "I'll teach you. I certainly hope you're not as dumb as when you're a bird."

As if dumb bird could get all the info you wanted, I silently rolled my eyes. 

"Arina, are you being disrespectful to your master?"

"Master Carlisle, I wouldn't dare. I would be honored to learn from you."

"The only thing they taught the apprentices these days seemed to be the technique to lie to their higher-ups," he drawled. "Let's start."

Even though I was determined to show him that I was a competent and clever apprentice, it seemed like I failed. I was toyed with and crushed on the chessboard. 

"Feels like I was daydreaming this afternoon. Did I even use my brain?"

My ears felt hot. I knew I was not that good at chess, but I just learned how to play.

"Oh and your perfect record is tainted."


"Your no class skipping record." He smirked. "If I remember correctly, today isn't rest day."

I nearly dropped the tea cup I was holding. "Master Carlisle, you didn't... ask Master Fu for a permit for me to be absent?" 

"Why should I? Who are you? You're supposed to work secretly under me. Secretly." His eyes gleamed evilly, "You're not my responsibilities. What should you do? Your perfect record tainted." 

I looked up at the sky. It's already getting dark. I would be punished for skipping class. I tried to stop myself from glaring at Carlisle. 

"Master Carlisle, I will return to my dormitory." I stood up and nodded. 

"But I prepared a dinner from Jade Garden as reward." He smiled like a sly fox. "Are you refusing a reward from the master?"

"I wouldn't dare, Master Carlisle," I said through clenched teeth. 

"There is still time before dinner, let's have another match of chess." He smiled graciously and patted me on the head. 

During dinner, I found out I still had this urge to peck at the food in front of me. The repercussions didn't last that long, did it? When I excused myself after dinner, I was stopped again by Master Carlisle. He tilted my head up and scrutinized me.

"At least your eyes are now normal human ones." He patted on my hair and said with a smile, "Don't die. See you next time. Janus will show you out."

He then waved me away and returned to his own room. My eyes? My repercussions didn't stay that long, did they? So he was holding me back all afternoon to stop others from finding out? 

"Apprentice Arina, this way." Janus appeared and gestured me to follow him. "Master said not to let you use your power today, so I will lead you back through a hidden track." 

What a strange master, I thought as I walked under the moon.