Chapter 22

I woke up with Isobel jumping onto me, she kept poking me with her paws. 

"Alright, alright, stop poking Isobel." I hugged Isobel with one arm and sat up while untangling my hairs with my fingers. That's when I saw the high priest of darkness sitting in a chair close to the window, across the room. Oh right, I was still in the temple. I buried my face in my hands. 

"Good morning, you finally wake up!" he said. "I am hungry." 

I picked up the pillow on my side and threw it at him. "Go cook yourself!" 

"Now who angered you in the early morning?" he asked with a smiley face.

"I wonder who?" I threw the other pillow at him as well. "Get out!" 

I fumed as I stormed out of the room. All he cared was his breakfast. I was still angry at him. Who would cook breakfast for him? 

"Meow." Isobel jumped out from nowhere. It meowed several times and then ran towards a room. It turned its head and looked at me when it saw me still standing there.