Chapter 30

I couldn't fall asleep. Things I had gone through this afternoon kept boggling my mind. Rachelle was killed and then she was kind of revived again. The dog turned silver haired suitor of Rachelle was actually the god of light. Even though the spelling of dog and god was just mirrored, that didn't mean I could accept that! And most important of all I was just a chess piece in the game of gods. All my miseries were just inconsequential to them it seemed. 

Yves and the god of darkness kept talking about the game the gods were playing, but what exactly was that game? I rolled over for the tenth times. I couldn't fall asleep, I needed to get some answers. 

"Yves, wake up," I called while shaking him. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" 

The guy in front of me groaned as he covered his eyes with his forearm. "I said you could wake me up when you needed me, but never have I expected this. Can't your curiosity wait?" 
