Chapter 2

I was swimming leisurely in my lake, looking at the blue sky while contemplating my life. Or the lack thereof. My warden was staying on his usual seat below the ever bloomed silver leaves trees. It's a normal day for us. 

I started to countdown. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Bam! Bam! A sound echoed through the place. It's been a month since the mortals tried to bring down the ward surrounding the place of the god of order. I did not know what's going through those mortals' mind, trying to pull down the ward protecting the god of order's place. 

"They're at it again." A flip of my tail, I swam to the border of the lake and rested my arms on the grassy land surrounding the lake. "Are you afraid? Afraid that they break your ward?" I asked ill-heartedly. 

"They cannot," the god replied calmly. He continued reading the book he had on hand. I had no idea how he could read even with his eyes covered, but he could. He could also catch whatever mischief I did.