Chapter 14

When the black folds around our eyes were finally removed, we were already inside a room. It was more like a hall for meetings. There was a long table. Around the table, beasts with different eye colors and animal features occupied their respective seats. The hall was bright and well furnished. At least I could be assured that the beasts were not living in rambles. 

"I'm back, fellow elders." The female beast who captured us reported. "Here are the group of mortals I captured near the edge of the forest. These four were beating up the childling at that time." 

"Thank you for your hard work," said someone from the long table. 

"As Loretta has said," a soft voice rang out from near the head of the long table, "you'll all wait for punishment in prison." I glanced up at the familiar voice. Someone with soft curls and soft brown eyes was sitting there. It's really Cecil, my friend from the tribe of lambs.