Chapter 3

"Ianthe, what did you do to my robe? I don't have to use the washing spell, it's as good as new!" Lord Valentine exclaims. 

"I wash it?" I answer uncertainly. Is washing his robes not allowed? I spent a lot of effort to find water to wash them. (I know we're supposed to be surrounded by water, but I can't use the water. The water surrounding me is like the air surrounding us on land.)

"You perfected the washing spell? Ianthe, that's great!" His eyes sparkle with mirth and surprise. 

"I don't, Lord Valentine. I still cannot write well."

"Then how did you wash the robes?" he asks genuinely confused.

"With... water?"

  A small frown appears and after a while he exclaims, "Ah right, you can wash things with water. I nearly forgot that."

Just how did he survive till now? Right he has washing spells. 

When he walks past me, he pats me on the head, "You'll know the convenience of spells when you learn them, Ianthe."