Chapter 7

Stay calm, stay calm. What's the greatest quality of Lord Valentine? It's his calm and composed aura. As long as I stay calm no one will notice a thing. Even Lord Valentine approves of my appearance, praising I was the exact copy of him.

Someone is already waiting for Lord Valentine when I step out of the tower, I just have to follow their lead. Stay calm, stay calm. But how can I when I myself don't know how long the potions last? 

Please let them last for four hours at least. Fine, I won't be that greedy. Three and a half at least. I guess I can sneak off earlier. 

"Oh! Cousin! You finally show up, huh, thought you're avoiding me." Princess Cordelia rises her perfectly shaped eyebrow. 

"Of course not," I reply with my best imitation of Lord Valentine's. Gentle voice, serene and calm expression. Yes, I can master that.