Chapter 19

Lord Valentine travels with Cordelia and I, to the annoyance of Cordelia. She believes Lord Valentine is coming along to spy on her. But I, as an observer, know that's not true. Lord Valentine never intervenes with Cordelia. He did not stop Cordelia when she rushed in front of the greedy landlord who hit his subjects. Nor did he persuade Cordelia to stop her game of cat and mouse with the narcissistic prince of Zehan. 

He simply follows us on our trip. When it's time for Cordelia to shine, he simply gently pulls me to the sideline and waits with me for Cordelia to be done with fighting. I might need to jump in to offer my magic to save Cordelia's butt once in a while, he never stops me. However he also never offers his help. He is a true observer in this adventure. If a documentary on Cordelia's adventure has to be written, Lord Valentine might not even appear in it.