Alliyah and Areej

"Allie- ?" a familiar voice appeared behind Alliyah.

Alliyah was too angry to realize there was someone behind her.

In front of Alliyah were the remnants of the tree she punched and the view of the wreckage caused by the tree.

Areej gasped in surprise covering her mouth with eyes wide open. Then the view of the dead feral pigs came into the picture. She was more of astonished and surprisingly not afraid of Alliyah.

"YOU DID THAT!!! WOOAHH!! Do it again !!" gleefully requesting by Areej.

Alliyah was surprised about the reaction of Areej since she does consider herself more of a monster rather than a spectacle that Areej is treating her now.

There is more control and tolerance compared to before when she was thirsty. Her desire to suck the blood of Areej is no longer prevailing. It does not drive her nuts nor desperate to have a taste on the blood of Areej. Her vision is clearer and no longer foggy with flash red bright lights.

When Areej tries to approach Alliyah, Alliyah tries to step back and a little bit ashamed of what she has become. She is not proud of even becoming a Vampire since these beings wreaked havoc on the island which she considers home.

"Why did you leave the cliff, Areej? I told you to stay put and not go around. Why is it so difficult for you to follow? asked by Alliyah

"You were taking so long and I heard loud noises. I was thinking what if the bad guys got you." Areej looking down the ground while her fingers play each other.

This was difficult for Alliyah to absorb and get used to. She started picking up the two feral pigs like it was just some pillows or a light object that was easily picked.

A glimmer of amusement kept Areej so impressed and just remain fanning over the super strength of Alliyah.

Both Alliyah and Areej walked back to the cliff with the dead feral pigs which Alliyah are dragging effortlessly.

"Just walk! I am not in the mood to explain Areej! Let's just keep walking back to the cliff" a clear irritation on Alliyah's tone.

Areej was only curious on what she witnessed and how come Alliyah has the ability to punch trees like it is nothing and drag two feral pigs as if it is like some dead chicken.

So, there is one most-effective way that Areej does to get Alliyah under her will which she always do when she wants to get things her way.

First, stomping…

Second, pouting at the same time…

Third, mumbling random things and trying to make it loud so it gets the attention of Alliyah…

It may be unusual but usually this is the way how Areej does things to make Alliyah wrapped around her fingers.

"Areej I know what you are trying to do. That will not work with me today!" warned by Alliyah.

"Hmf! I thought it is you and me, Areej and Alliyah! Partners forever!"

Areej tries her way more and not giving up in getting Alliyah fall into her way of getting what she wants, which is the truth behind the super strength of Alliyah.

"Fine! But you will not defy any of my instructions, okay?" Alliyah declared to Areej.

"Yes! Finally, to be honest I do not know how long should I kept going for it, hehe!" gleefully admitted by Areej.

When both sisters at heart arrived by the cliff with the dead feral pigs, Alliyah gave conditions first before she plans to break down the truth.

"First, you will always follow and obey what I tell you to do. No BUTs! …

Second, this must stay only between us, OK! …

Third, no screaming!" doubtfully told by Alliyah

Areej nodded excitedly.

Alliyah took a deep breath and pondered over and over again inside her mind. But she realized there is no one else left to trust and stick by her that is still breathing, ONLY Areej.

No matter how young she is, Alliyah knew that Areej is the last remaining person that will stick by her no matter what.

Then a memory of her and Areej having a moment together flashes through her mind.

'So, it is you and Areej against the world?' Areej asked Alliyah.

'Why against? The world is not against us!' Alliyah laughing at the remark of Areej.

'Because both of us were left by our loved ones. We are both orphans and the world can be cruel to us since we no longer have parents to protect us.' sad and seriously stated by Areej toward Alliyah

Then Alliyah replied

'Oh my little peanut! Whatever happens, it will be Alliyah and Areej against the world'

It was not easy for Alliyah to tell Areej that she has turned into a Vampire. The same creatures that wreaked havoc around their island. So, she was a little bit scared of how Areej will take the news that the person she trusts has turned into a Vampire.

Everything became silent as Alliyah finds the courage to tell Areej of the new reality that they need to face together.

Wind blowing against their smooth skin. Their hair being brushed along with the passing wind. The vast blue sky looking over as witness to what was about to take place.

"I . HAVE . BECOME . A …" Areej anticipates the last word that Alliyah having trouble to admit.

"VAMPIRE" Alliyah finally telling Areej.

The next turn of events was something that Alliyah never expected for Areej to do.

A warm embrace with no other words but only warm embrace, Areej embraced Alliyah tightly like she always does.

"Alliyah and Areej against the world remember! You will always be my big sister whatever happens. Even you become a lizard or a pig" genuinely professed by Areej.

Alliyah may have turned into a cold-blooded creature, an undead.

But, this moment was priceless and the only thing she needed to recollect her old self and think ahead, right before she was sucked dry by a vampire and left to die.

Alliyah embraced Areej back and cried silently.

"Yes, my peanut! It is Alliyah and Areej against the world."

While Alliyah and Areej having a beautiful moment, from afar watching them.

A woman hiding behind the tree.

"There you are, bestie!"