Goodbye and Hello (Part II)

As Sharmaine falls off from the cliff, a scream from Alliyah could be heard echoing in her despair.

"NOOOOOOO !!!" Screamed loudly by Alliyah while Areej is holding her waist and crying along with her.

The cliff is too high which makes it too dangerous for anyone to fall from it.

Beneath the cliff is sharp bedrocks that surely can crush anyone who falls from the cliff.

Sea salt may not kill a vampire but a vampire who is exposed to the sun too long may burn a vampire to ashes and invalidates the ability of a vampire to regenerate their own wounds once they are exposed for too long.

Sharmaine could feel her wounds not healing as she falls and realizes the fact that it is her last moments being alive. She accepts this realization and closes her eyes as she falls. After closing her eyes, she could feel her skin starting to burn.

While Alliyah could not stop crying and screaming for her best friend who is falling to her death, waves of the sea have become more aggressive which can be heard with the echoes of the scream of Aaliyah.

"Aalliiee, please stop crying! Aaaalllieee…" Areej desperately trying to calm Alliyah down.

Even in the moments of her despair seeing her best friend fall, Alliyah tries her best to hope that her telekinetic abilities would stop the fall of her best friend as she extends her arm trying to hope for miraculous cooperation of her powers despite what the voice in her mind keeps on telling her,

[*** Insufficient Energy – Energy is low! ***]

Every time Alliyah intends to use her telekinetic powers, the same reminder from the internal voice that she has been hearing all the time.

[*** Insufficient Energy – Energy is low! ***] …

[*** Insufficient Energy – Energy is low! ***] …

[*** Insufficient Energy – Energy is low! ***] …

The same thing, over and over again as Alliyah never stops hoping that she could stop the fall of her best friend.

Unfortunately, after a long struggle and screaming for a miracle, Alliyah sees the body of her best friend hit a bedrock.

Before Sharmaine's body hit the ground, the memory of her and Alliyah sitting on the white sand of the beach watching the sunset when they were little flashes in her mind.

Sharmaine smiles while closing her eyes and everything went dark.

Only scream of cries reverberated at the edge of the woods, by the cliff.

Alliyah hugs Areej after seeing her best friend's body hit the bedrock. She hugs Areej emotionally and flooding in tears.

At the same time Sharmaine's body lying on top of the bedrock covered by a shadow due to the height of the cliff.

Blood splattered all over the bedrock Sharmaine landed into … While her body …

Cold …

Motionless …

Unchanging …

Then Alliyah sees the waves drag along the body of her best friend. And sees it sink deep down.

Time went by as Alliyah grieved for her best friend.

Seconds passed …

Minutes passed …

Alliyah stopped crying and checked what happened to her best friend's motionless body and sees it no longer there.

Washed away by the aggressive sea waves.

After a while, Alliyah and Areej quietly roasting the remaining lifeless feral pig for Areej to eat while Alliyah planning to hunt once Areej is asleep.

"Tomorrow we will start sailing to the Central Region's capital city. Right after you eat your breakfast, we will immediately sail." Monotonously said by Alliyah.

"Okay! But where will we stay in the Central Region? And you are a vampire, I do not want them to hunt you." Areej worrying for Alliyah who has become a vampire.

"Do not worry about me. Since I can withstand sunlight and by miracle, I do not get burned by the heat of the sun, I may find a way to hide my identity as a vampire while we stay there. The important thing is we get you in the Central Region's capital city where it is most safe for you."

"But not for you Alliee !"

Vampires usually get burned into ashes when they are exposed too long under the sun but Alliyah was able to last the entire daylight without getting burned into ashes.

In the capital city of the Central Region, vampires can be detected by the patrolling soldiers of the King of the humans and the hunters from the Guilds Association of different groups of hunters. They prevent any attempts from vampire species to enter the Central Region. But there are still some vampires who get to penetrate the defenses of the Human Kingdom and cause chaos around the borders of the Human Kingdom.

Though Caragua Island is located around the borders of the region, its location is still within the maritime territory of the Human Kingdom. The king of the humans does not consider the islands within the borders of the Human territory as part of the Central Region.

This kind of thinking allowed many humans to suffer who live on islands. That is why human islanders tend to become the usual targets of the Vampire Kingdom since they are the most vulnerable and easy to ransack.

Once the vampires are detected, they are immediately killed with no chance of negotiation for their life.

Since the war between the Human Kingdom and the Vampire Kingdom was declared, only death and chaos is brought upon by each kingdom towards each other.

This worried Areej if Alliyah plans to sail for Central Region. She is not too excited of the idea that Alliyah will be hunted down due to her being a vampire.

"I already told you that do not worry about me because I can easily blend in especially vampires are expected to get burned under the sun so if they see me walking around the daylight, they will not suspect anything." Alliyah trying to reassure Areej.

"How will you hide the changing colors of your eyes and your fangs? Hmm?" Areej pointing out important facts.

Alliyah stared at Areej as if her eyes could burn Areej through her stares.

"Do not worry too much! I can find some way to hide it as well. My fangs only appear when I hunt or in battle mode."

"OOOHHH!!" Areej expressing her amusement regarding the information she is getting from Alliyah.

"Just leave it to me. I will plan it out tonight and things will work out! Your well-being is my priority right now. If we are within the territory of the Human Kingdom then it will be safer for you. And that is our goal right now."

"Hmm… But will you promise me that you will not leave me?" Areej asking Alliyah seriously while eating the meat that she is holding.

"I promise!" Alliyah promising Areej.

The night went by quickly.

While Areej sleeping under the shade of the tree, Alliyah went to the orphanage and collected the corpse of the orphan children.

Alliyah buried each orphan at the garden of the orphanage.

Then Alliyah burnt down the orphanage after taking the things she needed for her plans to sail to the Central Region's capital city. She also visited the town and prepared the boat that they are planning to use for a sail.

The town of Caragua Island was in total wreckage and chaos was painted all over the place which saddened Alliyah further as tries to prepare for their departure towards Central Region's capital city.

Alliyah realizes that she needs to clean up the entire town so that Areej would not be able to see the gore and looming outcome once they depart from the island.

Emotions came rushing into Alliyah as memories came flashing to her while looking around.

"What did they do to my beloved town? How can I say goodbye to this place?

I will make sure whoever did this will pay…

A life for a life!"

Final words of Alliyah before she finally started her clean-up plan.