Behold the Truth

[-In King Avalon's castle-]

As Princess Sylvia held Sharmaine's face,

"Look into my eyes …" Princess Sylvia started to enchant Sharmaine with her Hypnosis ability.

Only vampires with experience and powerful skills could harness such ability.

<<< _Hypnosis_ >>>

A rare ability amongst vampire which differs from mind control. It creates manipulated projectiles and scenarios in target's mind whatever the wielder desires. So far, only Princess Sylvia has the ability of Hypnosis. To dominate the mind and will of someone by simple eye contact, soft speech or a simple wave of the hand and injecting certain projectiles like an illusion into their mind even they are vampires.

Princess Sylvia was known not only for her -Weather Manipulation- but also with her ability to project things in someone's mind no matter the classification of the specie. As long as the target stare to the eyes of Princess Sylvia,

Classified amongst the ranks of vampires as -Dual Ability- user.

Sharmaine fell immediately to Princess Sylvia's hypnosis.

"I will no longer hold back …" Princess Sylvia gently said as she looked deep into Sharmaine's eyes.

Her lips gets closer to Sharmaine's and when it finally sealed the restraints that Princess Sylvia kept for quite some time.

She never felt like this before.

As their lips met,

Lust …

Invisible Fireworks …

Pleasure …

Though, only Princess Sylvia felt all this emotions.

After catching her breath from kissing Sharmaine passionately and full of lust, she looked at Sharmaine once again for her expression.

When she realized after kissing Sharmaine, there was no reciprocation.

Simply one-sided burning pleasure and passion.

A confused look on Princess Sylvia seeing Sharmaine emotionless and her eyes filled with hollowness.

Such expectations were not met …

It dawned on her that her ability can only bring illusion but not reality.

Thus, no real emotions nor reciprocation would happen.

This was not Princess Sylvia imagined and expected.

She turned around in frustration.

A last look on Sharmaine before she left the newborn vampire on her own.

Sharmaine regained her senses and consciousness.

"What happened?" Sharmaine held her forehead confused and a bit disoriented.

So she sat on the bench next to the beautiful flowers covered of snow.

From a certain distance,

There was someone spectating on the surprising turn of events.

For the first time, the celibate princess took an interest to someone.

Prince Vincent could not believe that his sister finally showed interest and surprisingly it was someone under his sire.

A scheme came into his mind.

Just in case his older sister became an obstacle to his ambition to become the next heir to throne.

He has something at his disposal to be used against his sister.

"Indeed attraction and love are two tricky game to play." Prince Vincent whispered in the air as he kept observing Sharmaine's actions and watched his sister flew up in the sky causing for clouds to produce thunder claps.

He went back to the royal court of King Avalon with an evil smirk on his face.


[-Deep in the forest-]

Both Joe and Alliyah took the short cut which Joe mentioned.

Since Alliyah insisted to take the quicker path to their destination.

Her own excitement and longing to be reunited with Areej was too great for her to even be bothered of any danger or threats along the way.

The weapons and leather armor that Joe purchased were equipped each by both of them.

Knowing the danger within the forest which they may encounter along the way, he had to make sure that they are equipped to defend and fight for their lives against any threat.

Being in a forest was not new to Alliyah but the idea of having monsters, beasts and other dangerous creatures lurking around would be new for her.

Compared to the Caragua Island, their forest was not filled with dangerous creatures.

Only animals to hunt and rare fruits to find.

"Make sure you don't go far from me. Just keep close and I will protect you. Do not worry! If you notice something out of the ordinary just inform me." Joe reassured Alliyah her safety and protection.

Joe prepared himself for any sudden or surprise attack. He was confident with his abilities and skills to protect Alliyah.

It reminded him of his younger sister. The way he promised her to protect her and make sure that nothing happens to her.

Alliyah saw Joe's grip tightened around the handle of his sword.

"Is everything okay?" Alliyah was not able to contain her curiosity.

"Oh, do not worry! I am okay! I just remembered something." Joe's reply as they walk further.

Then Alliyah heard numerous movements around.

She stopped on her tracks and listened carefully.

Due to her sudden behavior, Joe also stopped on his tracks and asked Alliyah.

"What is it?" the hunter asked.

"Don't you hear it? There are certain movements around trying to surround us and moving inconsistently." Alliyah pointed out her extraordinary observations.

She forgot that her extra ordinary senses were not known to Joe.

Basically, it made Joe even more curious.

"Why? What's wrong? I do not hear anything strange. Do you hear something?" Joe asked while looking around their surroundings.

Alliyah kept her senses sharp and following every movement of those creatures surrounding them.

Out of nowhere, a huge monkey-like but horrid looking creature jumped from above.

"Above you!" Screamed by Alliyah to Joe.

Automatically, due to his quick reflexes, Joe unsheathed his sword and slashed the horrid creature with sharp fangs.

Even though he took out the creature easily.

A number of the same creatures appeared and launched collective attacks through leaping towards Alliyah and Joe in all sides.

Sharp fangs out, craving to bite Alliyah and Joe.

Despite the decision of Alliyah to keep her identity as vampire hidden, this was an urgent situation which she had to use her extraordinary abilities.

She was not aware of Joe could have the ability and skill to handle it by exhibiting his powerful technique.

Joe intended to use his sword technique,

<<< _Sun Rays_ >>>

A multiple swift and powerful slashes covering multiple directions.

But Alliyah went ahead with her own moves.

Voice of her system re-appeared due to the urgency.

[*** Rage Activate ***]

< Yes / No ? >

Alliyah did not hesitate and was too desperate in surviving the surprise attack. Her rage amplified all her skills.

< Yes! >

The eyes of Alliyah became completely white with her veins appearing visible around her left and right temple.

Combined with her,

*** Super Speed ***

*** Super Strength ***

In an instant, all threats were eliminated … By twisting their heads …



And effortlessly jaw-dropping!

[*** Target eliminated! ***]

Everything went back to normal.

When she saw there were no more threats, she turned her attention back to Joe whom she knows … would be freaking out.

"WHAT . THE . HELL . ARE . YOU?" Joe expressed his shock to this revelation.


Thank you for the long wait!

I want to express my gratitude for the undying support and patience for the comeback of "The Making of the Vampire Queen" after a long hiatus.


Please support my other story:


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