
[-Still in the secret hospital-]

After the receptionist confirmed the information regarding the matching details of Areej with Alliyah's description, Alliyah became elated.

Her knees felt weak and almost gave up.

Even though, she had not met Areej to completely confirm if it is her. The idea of having Areej in the hospital and alive gave her so much hope.

"You will be assisted by a nurse on the third floor. Just make your way on the third floor, room #333. And there will be standard procedures once you confirm that the patient is whom you are looking for." The lady receptionist informed Alliyah before she let her go.

Alliyah rushed immediately to Joe and informed him.

Joe was sitting on the corner covered with a newspaper on his face.

"Hey, Joe! Let's head to third floor. According to the There is a match with the description of Areej rushed here last week. So, we have to confirm if it is her! I cannot wait, let's hurry." Alliyah could not wait to confirm if it was really Areej.

High hopes and anticipation filled Alliyah's eyes.

While Joe became wary of the surroundings and tried his best to avoid any eye contacts through covering his face or simply looking away without being obvious.

Despite the sketchy behavior of Joe, Alliyah was not paying attention to it nor aware of Joe's sudden behavior. Her attention was only focused on the possibility of being reunited with Areej.

On their way to the third floor,

Alliyah lost all interest and fascination regarding the hospital because all that matters to her was seeing Areej and be reunited with her.

What she did not expect was the temptation and the toll on her senses.

Each step, a sudden wave of coppery and delicious scent kept hitting her senses.

Suddenly her own vision blurred for a quick second and the voice in her head was activated from out of nowhere.

[*** Multiple Blood Source Available! ***]

'Shut up! I do not need your freaking reminders at this moment.' Alliyah sudden remark to the voice in her head.

Both Joe and Alliyah was not aware of each other's sudden sketchy behavior.

[*** Hunt mode activate: < No/Yes > ***]

'Are you freaking kidding me?' sudden frustration of Alliyah.

< NO! >

This time around, for a moment, Joe got a glimpse of Alliyah's eyes shifted in color for a second.

And a nerve popped around her temples for a second but returned immediately to normal.

"Alliyah, are you alright?" Joe became concerned for Alliyah.

Then it dawned on him … the idea of Alliyah being in the hospital …

A vampire surrounded by blood and beating hearts.

His eyes widened in realization that he brought a vampire in a place where there are plenty of blood source scattered … open for her taking.

Immediately, he grabbed Alliyah and pulled her to the closest room which was … the utility room.

"What the?" Alliyah was surprised by the sudden move of Joe.

"I know what is going on! I know this look!" Joe confronted Alliyah after closing the door of the utility room.

Alliyah could no longer hide it from Joe and has to come clean to him.

"You do not have to worry, I am okay! I may feel a bit thirsty but I can manage." Alliyah tried to reassure Joe from the possible threat she may impose.

Joe blocked her way from getting out the utility room.

"Oh, you are not getting out! I am not risking those people out there, vulnerable from your fangs!" Joe pointed out the obvious.

But Alliyah insisted on her capability to endure.

"I told you already, I can manage! So, let me pass through and I have to get to Areej."

"No! I am sorry, Alliyah! I forgot the risk of bringing you here. You do not look like you can manage. Never in my life had I heard a vampire endure a pool of blood source out on the open." Joe stood his ground bravely and insisted for Alliyah to back off.

The color of her eyes kept shifting again.

Wave of delicious scent could no longer be denied because in the utility room, there was a container filled with cloth soaked with blood from different surgery operations and wounds.

A difficult dilemma appeared to Joe and Alliyah because the temptation was indeed overwhelming for any vampire to be encountered with.

For a moment Joe became nervous and prepared for a scuffle with Alliyah.

"Remember … I promised you already! I will never feed on innocent humans. So please have faith in me." Alliyah reiterated her promise to Joe.

Unexpectedly, Alliyah regained her control and cool.

"Impossible ..." Joe uttered in disbelief.

He could not believe that Alliyah had unbelievable control over her thirst for blood.

"I never seen in my entire life …" before Joe could even finish his sentence, a knock interrupted his train of thought.

"Who's there inside? The utility room is off-limits to non-authorized employees due to contamination risk." said by the utility worker knocking the door.

Joe looked at Alliyah for the last time before opening the door.

He took a deep breath and took a leap of faith on trusting Alliyah.

Both Joe and Alliyah apologized to the utility worker.

Then Joe whispered to Alliyah while they continued their way to the supposed room of Areej, "I hope you keep your promise, dried capsicum!"

Alliyah replied, "Do not worry! Your trust in me will not be for nothing."

Few minutes passed from their walk,

Finally …

They have arrived to the supposed room.

A nurse assisted them since they needed to know if Alliyah was indeed related to the unidentified patient which they needed to be confirmed.

Upon entering …

There she was, "Areej!" Alliyah exclaimed.

Though, she wondered …

"Was she unconscious all this time?" Alliyah asked.

The nurse nodded, "She is in a comatose, according to her medical chart. Ever since she was brought here, she was unconscious."

Areej and Alliyah may have been reunited but Alliyah could not believe that her only treasure and the only soul that matters to her is under a worrisome condition.

Reunited they may be … but another dilemma faced by Alliyah.


Author's extended Note:

I want to express my gratitude for the undying support and patience for the comeback of "The Making of the Vampire Queen" after a long hiatus.

Please help my other story reach 1000 privy subs for win-win event.


- It is only worth 1 coin for tier 1. So please help me reach it! If I do reach 1000 privy, I will make this story a daily release.


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