
[-Still in the hospital-]

A day after Joe left …

There was still no changes or any development towards Areej.

Alliyah became more worried for the condition of Areej.

Hospital rooms can be very gloomy due to different problems and varying conditions of each patient.

Sometimes patients prefer to be out of hospital rather than stay within the walls of the room.

Different ailments …

And depressing ambiance surrounds the corridors of the hospital.

Despite the advanced technology of the hospital, there was no sense warmth nor liveliness around the hospital.

Though, the assigned nurse for Areej was someone Alliyah noticed.

Full of positivity and cheerful attitude.

Alliyah never left the side of Areej.

Forgetting the needs of her own self.

The nurse approached Alliyah beaming with concern.

"Miss, I think you need to get some food for your system. You have stayed here for more than 24 hours and I have not seen you ate. Let me take over and go to the cafeteria to get your body some sustenance." The nurse advised Alliyah.

Out of nowhere, the voice within Alliyah's mind appeared once again.

[*** Blood Source Available! ***]

[***Urgent! Energy is low. –Life Force– is at risk!***]

Alliyah was struggling to keep herself calm and prevent her veins to pop out around her temples.

[***Hunt mode activate: < No/Yes >***]

< No! >

Alliyah wanted to quench her thirst now but she had to restrain herself from doing something foolish and careless. She had a promise to keep.

No innocent humans will be harmed by her.

"I am okay! I would prefer staying here rather than leave my younger sister alone again." Alliyah reply to the nurse.

"Are you sure?" the nurse insisted.

"Thank you for your concern but truly, I am okay. I just cannot leave my younger sister. I will wait for my friend to arrive before I can start eating something." Alliyah further explained to the nurse.

"Okay! I guess siblings can be really … territorial in regards with their own." finally the nurse surrendered to Alliyah's wishes.

Then she asked Alliyah, "By the way what's your name? I am Lenny."

"My name is Alliyah."

"If you need anything just call for me."

"Thank you!" Alliyah was grateful for the nurse.

If only the nurse knew what kind of struggle Alliyah was in. The effect of her presence towards the system of Alliyah.

There was too much struggle within Alliyah.

Slowly and carefully … Alliyah started to calm her nerves and focus on something else.

Redirecting her thirst into concern for Areej.

Moments after the nurse, named Lenny, left the room.

Joe entered stealthily and discreetly. Checking the area before closing the door and pulling down his hood.

"How's your sister?" Joe asked Alliyah with genuine concern.

Alliyah looked over to Joe before replying to his query.

"Still no changes. Same when you left. It is making me worry." An evident worry was painted all over Alliyah's face.

"Give it time … She will wake up! Believe in miracles. For now, I think you have to do something about your thirst." Joe pointed out directly.

It took Alliyah by surprise that Joe figured out her thirst.

"H-how did you …" Before Alliyah could finish her words.

Joe explained himself, "I am a hunter and I can assess based on your behavior when someone like you is thirsty."

A loud gulp could be heard from Alliyah, trying her best to hide her thirst and restrain herself from feeding on any available blood source.

Only silence which Alliyah could reply. This confirms the statement of Joe.

He leaned against a wall looking at Alliyah after he placed the newly made documents for Alliyah and Areej authenticated identity.

"Take a look on the documents and familiarize with all the details inside it. You have to be consistent to all the things you mention to others. People can be suspicious once inconsistencies are made." Joe instructed Alliyah carefully.

As he watched her read the documents,

"Wait for me here, I will get you something to drink so you won't have to find someone to feed on." Joe offered to Alliyah.

"Thank you so much!" Alliyah expressed her gratitude.

"Do not thank me yet, because I will be giving you a difficult task in exchange of the assistance I have provided you." Joe stated while trying to hide his genuine concern for Alliyah.


Meanwhile …

After the feeding hour,

Sharmaine became exhausted from the steamy and bloody activity she did with Princess Sylvia.

Each servant was more exhausted and clueless of the entire thing that just took place.

Some of the guests started to leave.

But there were some remained asleep and rested at the side of their servants or partners.

As the door of the dining started to open.

The very first vampire who entered was Prince Vincent.

He immediately went to look for Sharmaine.

And when he finally found her.

There she was … laying down naked within the embrace of Alejandro.

"Someone is being territorial." A familiar voice remarked something he was feeling at the moment.

"Sister?" soft reply by Prince Vincent but he could not hide his own expression.

He looked at his sister wearing a see-through golden robe.

Exposed completely …

"I thought we had an agreement?" Princess Sylvia reiterated to her younger brother.

"That's what I thought as well. But it looks like I have to retract my offer." Prince Vincent looked directly at his older sister's eyes.

A start of something that both of them would never expect to happen.


Author's extended Note:

I want to express my gratitude for the undying support and patience for the comeback of "The Making of the Vampire Queen" after a long hiatus.

Please help my other story reach 1000 privy subs for win-win event.


- It is only worth 1 coin for tier 1. So please help me reach it! If I do reach 1000 privy, I will make this story a daily release.


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