Hunters Training Academy (Part I)

After arriving at the destination she was told to go,

Alliyah could see the over view of the entire -Hunters Training Academy- from her position.

There were some people going inside through the huge gate of the academy.

The sun was on its peak, making it the hottest of the day.

No one would suspect Alliyah as a vampire due to her normal appearance and ability to walk under the sun.

The location of the academy was on the top of the mountain.

Making it a bit far from the city.

Due to its location, it became a great place for training and learning for any aspirants to become hunter.

As soon as Alliyah entered the gate of the academy, there was a booth outside and a group of hunters securing the area for any unwanted presence.

There was even a line upon completely entering.

Apparently, registration had to be made impromptu through quick assessment.

Based on the specialization you will choose as a hunter, the assessment will depend on the chosen specialization as a hunter.

One of the applicants were explaining to the other the different specialization as a hunter.

It reminded Alliyah of the words said by Joe to her.

[1] Brawler

Brawler specializes on martial arts and physical strength. Close combat experts.

[2] Weapon Specialist

These are the hunters who specializes on the use of any kind of weapons. Usually mid-range and close combat experts.

[3] Marksman

Usually these hunters specializes on long-range combats due to their keen senses.

[4] Technical Support

These are the bottoms in the pyramid among the hunters. Despite being the brains and their specialization on repairing things. Though, they render as supports to the other specialists. Whether in repair or as sidekick partners.

Joe's words reiterated within the mind of Alliyah about what specialization to choose during the registration.

'Remember! You have to be careful with your identity as a vampire or else you will be in trouble. You are like a hyena going into the den of lions where they are fully equipped and within their territory. It will be impossible for one vampire to live once they detect one. But in your case, they will have difficulty as long you do not try stuff that are poisonous for vampires. Lastly, you choose Technical Supports because it will require you less to be on the field and in physical contact with others.' Joe's elaborative reminder.

When it was finally turn of Alliyah.

"Name and desired specialization?" asked by the receptionist.

Immediately, Alliyah replied,

"I am Alliyah Mendez, double the letter -L- and my desired specialization is Technical Support." Alliyah submitted her fake supporting documents which were made meticulously by someone close to Joe.

Having Mendez as a fake surname for Alliyah.

After checking the necessary documents, the receptionist handed Alliyah something.

"These are 50 different logos and words within a box. An instruction on what to do. Please complete within a minute. Once you finish reading the instruction on the paper, tap the bell to start the countdown." The receptionist made it sound like it was so easy.

Fortunately, Alliyah finished it only within 37 seconds.

The receptionist was impressed because it was a record-breaking time.

"Uh-ok! You may enter the academy. A staff of the academy will guide you to the corridor for Technical Support. For now, everyone will be gathered by specialization." Final words from the receptionist.

Alliyah took her things with her and the registration form handed over for her to take the licensure exam for the aspiring hunters.

She followed the staff member from the academy that led her to the corridor where other aspiring hunters who specialized as technical support were waiting as well.

Some were seated meekly, and some doing their own thing.

The men around were surprised that a beauty like Alliyah decided to join the technical support specialization.

Most of the applicants were wearing eye glasses and looking bookish.

But Alliyah arrived with her usual self and certain grace which made others to be at awe with her presence.

One of the male applicants could not help but approach Alliyah.

"Hi there! Are you sure, you are not lost?" Asked by the male applicant.

"I do not think so. This is the technical support right?" Alliyah asked.

"Yes, this is! So, you really desire to be a technical support. That's great then! By the way, I am Maki! And you?" Maki introduced himself to Alliyah.

"My name is Alliyah!" Alliyah was reluctant to share anything because she does not want any attention or make any unnecessary mistake for her identity to be found out by everyone.

Maki noticed the reluctance of Alliyah so he gave her a bit of space but time to time he does his best to make her comfortable and entertained.

In an instant, Alliyah gained already an attention which she was trying to avoid in the first place.

Then a shy girl sat beside Alliyah.

"Hi! I am Lily! I possess eidetic memory. In other words … photographic memory!" Lily may be shy but she was proud of her own talent and skills.

"That's great!" Alliyah tries to hide her discomfort because all she wanted was to keep a low profile but it seems like she pulled in some people around her with her presence alone.

Deep inside she wanted to scream, 'How can I keep a low profile with two sudden companions?'

Moments later …

A pair of doors opened and a tall woman came out with a voluptuous body.

She was one of the instructors for the hunters' exam and introduced herself.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Belle and your application to become a hunter just begun. So, please submit your forms and let us officially … begin!" Belle announced to everyone.


Author's extended Note:

I want to express my gratitude for the undying support and patience for the comeback of "The Making of the Vampire Queen" after a long hiatus.

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Once Again … Thank You to all of my readers!