Bad Ass Bitch

Currently inside the gym, where Leo and his friends were.

Surprised as they were but Leo was confused if his offer was too weak for Alliyah to accept.

Though, Leo's friends were more confused as why Alliyah would confront Leo.

A disbelief was starting to emerge within their minds to how confident and brave Alliyah could be to confront them all alone … especially Leo!

"Wow! You really have some guts to come here on your own and throw some threats. Don't you know who you talking to right now?" one of Leo's friends made an attempt to make Alliyah realize her own actions.

Only a smile and unwavering courage were displayed by Alliyah.

"Oh, yes! I know … But do you expect me to just follow along because you are some member of a noble and rich family?" Alliyah further exhibited some outrageous statement towards Leo.

Leo's friends were gasping and amused to how Alliyah was behaving towards them.

*** Hours Before ***