Top Hunters

Alliyah utilized all factors including the presence of other examinees within the premises in defeating those opponents who were approaching.

As prepared as she was.

No one expected the results to be in highly favor of Alliyah and inconclusive to the expected results of the chairman.

Moments after inevitable clash …

Everyone was grateful to Alliyah who helped the other examinees and worked together when other opponents appeared.

"You saved us there, Miss Prodigy! We thought we were goners for a moment." said by one of the examinees.

Another examinee added, "If you want, you can have one of the badges we got. You earned it more than we do. If it weren't for you! We may have completely failed the licensure exam."

Instantly, Alliyah refused their gesture. "No need! It's yours. You earned it too fair and square. Me and my friends were also in danger and if it weren't for your help. We would have lost it as well."