Set Sail

[-In the Throne Room-]

Day after the incident in his throne room.

King Avalon was not expecting for some vampires to sympathize and become closer with Princess Sylvia after he reprimanded her in front of everyone.

Contemplating alone to what he should do in the coming days.

Tension between factions of vampires within his court and amongst the covens of vampires have been increasingly worrying him.

Sitting on his huge throne, his worry grew by the second.

Especially with the growing sphere of influence which surrounds his daughter, he has to make sure that his own influence remain strong and intact.

In the middle of his contemplating, one of his guards informed him about the ceremony of the departure of Princess Sylvia and her companions for the mission.

"Your Highness! The entire fleet is ready to go." One of his guards informed their king about the fleet scheduled to depart.

King Avalon stood and went on his way with the other guards.