Showdown On The Seas (Part I)

Somewhere in the seas, near the borders of the central region.

The royal fleet spotted the ship of Princess Sylvia.

"Everyone, prepare to engage!" The commander of the fleet instructed everyone to prepare.

Princess Sylvia and her crew also spotted the approaching fleet of humans.

Compared to the humans, the vampires only had one ship while the humans had a fleet of 5 ships.

Huge and fully weaponized.

"Are we not outnumbered? Should we make a run for it?" Sharmaine wondered.

She stood right beside Princess Sylvia.

Instead of panicking and being nervous for the approaching fleet of ships.

An excitement for battle aroused the princess of vampire.

Her peers in the elite group of Vanguard knew how much Princess Sylvia enjoys battle.

The princess was mostly sheltered within the territory of the kingdom but it doesn't mean she lacks strength and power.

It even made her crave for adrenaline in battles.